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Background Information - Susan Halls, Box of Secrets and Lascaux Caves.

Susan Halls

It was a lovely change to have Susan Halls come and give us a demonstration. I have written more fully about this in my paper journal, but I was inspired by her enthusiasm and determination. Also her working pattern. If things were being made from thrown work, then the throwing process was important to stand out and define or at least appear recognisable in the sculpture.

She does an awful lot of sketches. With encouragement, I am beginning to enjoy the process of sketching and the immediacy in which this is done.

I haven't visited her current exhibition at Ruthin Craft Centre, but I am hoping to go, it is on until July. Paula kindly brought me back some photos when she visited.

Susan kindly took time to look at my sketches and some previous to the MA. She said my use of colour in the sketches should be included in upcoming work. This was encouraging.

Here are some photos from her exhibition ( courtesy of Paula ).

Here is one of my colour sketches...where will this lead, printing on ceramics?

Lascaux Caves

Rob thought my original horse sketches from when I visited Briery Close Arabian Stud looked a bit like cave paintings. I can see the primitive likeness, I hadn't drawn for a while previous to my MA, and I was using charcoal, in the evening light. I take this as a big complement.

These are Prezwalski's horses. They are the Mongolian wild horse and are an endangered species originally native to the Steppes of Central Asia.

I decorated a bowl with Prezwalski's horses many years ago.

The Lascaux Caves in the Dordogne, South of France

Hall of Bulls

The paintings are some of the oldest in the world, estimated at 17,000 years old. They have been conserved now, by providing an alternative identical man made cave with the same paintings. The colours are made from ground up minerals and are all the earthy tones you can see above, plus black and grey. I like the colours....good for earthenware clay?

The subjects are mainly horses, cows and bulls. There is a large cave named 'The Hall of Bulls'. The animals all seem to be on the move. There is one human and one bird.

Box of Secrets - Egyptian Deities

Deities were Egyptian Gods who were often half man half beast. They were often depicted on Canopic Jars and Boxes. I have written about them in the Reflective Journal hardcover book and documented Box of Secrets in my Reflective Folder.

Here is a photo of a Deity. They are very majestic, maybe have things in common with Rob's creatures? (a crown- Kings of the animal kingdom).


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