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Campaine and Confrontational Art (Banksy)

Commercial or Campain Art is the art of creative services, meaning art created for commercial purposes. This is primarily advertising.

It relies on the iconic image. (Pictorial representations that are easily recognisable to members of a culture). For example, by complementary colours or a catchy message.

Andy Warhol was a commercial artist.

This advertising poster, uses monochrome black and white, quite mod maybe? Also the singers name is clearly shown and pictured as an icon with the large scale lipstick.

Another band....catchy name in French, and pink monochrome cover.

Poster from South Lakes Safari Zoo. Its a poster that clearly displays the subject, Honey Badgers. But its an informative/educational poster which is designed to be read. In vintage colours, so a bit trendy too.

Use of silhouettes in shades of green. The zebra is clever in the two shades Green, of course is the colour of plants that grow ( and photosynthesise) and also part of the Eco Movement, highlighting the importance of all animals to the ecosystem and health of our planet.

Advertising is about being a voice for something. And activism, especially animal rights activism is about speaking for those who cant speak for themselves.

The tortoise wins the race, perhaps with the help of the Guinness. He is shown speeding up. Slow and steady doesn't always work, sometimes you need haste! He looks pleased with himself though. A Guinness is picking him up to win the race.

A simple global theme with iconic footprint. Again reminding us that animals are so important for the planet, and that they inhabit all over the planet. Again just a few colours.

And last, a cute poster, generated by AI. Lacks a bit of soul, very sugary sweet. This sort of animated decoration is going to be popping up more and more.

Banksy - confrontational art

Banksy's art is in almost direct conflict with the above AI generated image, with AI threatening the livelihoods of many artists of different parts of the world.

He holds a moral compass to world affairs, part of the underground movement of activists.

"People seem to think if they dress like a revolutionary they don't actually have to behave like one."

This is quite a powerful image of the rats. Rats are thought of as vermin by many people because they can carry diseases, but they actually hunt out landmines selflessly, probably unknowingly, to save human lives. And we think of them as a useless part of the animal kingdom, at least this has been the traditional view. See poster below.

Maybe people become 'rats' because they are treated as useless.

This I think is a direct reference to a world spoiled by climate change that we are handing to the next generation. I think Banksy is a bit of a pessimist, at least a realist.

He is now making a contradictory view of can be a rat as a human. Its quite a complicated image as a rat could also be a desperate revolutionary.

Art which is trying to get a message across often uses words. Its also about the words as well.

I am trying to use words as well...Does it help convey the artist's meaning or are you less likely to put your own interpretation on it.

Here are some quotes used in Banksy's Art:

"Why would someone just paint pictures of a revolutionary when you can actually behave like one instead".

"Stupidity isn't a virus but it sure is spreading like one".

"The greatest crimes are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules".

Confrontational Art is interaction with the authorities - part of the art process.


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